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Bases of the month: Philosophy, religion, sociology

Bases of the month: Philosophy, religion, sociology

In October, the Jagiellonian Library presents databases on philosophy, religion and sociology.
Purchased database: JSTOR eBooks
Open access database: CEJSH [Biblioteka Nauki]

JSTOR eBooks

JSTOR eBooks database

JSTOR is a digital platform including over 2,800 leading scholarly journals in the fields of humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, over 100,000 e-books from more than 250 major scholarly publishers as well as over 2 million images from around the world. In addition to journal and image collections, the Jagiellonian University has now purchased access to approximately 69,000 titles in anthropology, art and art history, education, history, linguistics and literature, law, philosophy, political science, religion, and sociology.

JSTOR involves both simple and advanced searches. Advanced searching can be done by constructing queries using Boolean operators and narrowing by criteria such as document type, language, and publication date. There are also useful aids to support students and researchers, such as a workspace for creating presentations and a Text Analyser (a tool for finding related articles).

Link to JSTOR database information

Link to the JSTOR database user manual

Link to the Text Analyzer


Link to the CEJSH database

The CEJSH database belongs to the Science Library implemented as part of the Open Science Platform. It contains full-text articles from Polish academic journals in humanities, social sciences, theology, and arts. The content of individual journals can be browsed at the journal level (under the "Issues" tab). Simple searching from the main page should be done by entering a relevant search phrase and selecting the option "in journals" (the default setting of "everywhere" searches the entire platform). Advanced searching allows for limiting search results using criteria such as contributors, publication date, language, scholarly disciplines, keywords, publisher, ISSN, and more.

Link to the CEJSH database user manual

All inquiries regarding searching databases in the fields of philosophy, religion and sociology should be directed to the following e-mail addresses:, or by phone: 12 663 3444, Ms. Justyna Sobocha-Stanuch).